CIA triad |
Confidentiality, integrity and availability, also known as the CIA triad, is a model designed to guide policies for information security within an organization. |
PDCA cyclus |
PDCA (plan–do–check–act or plan–do–check–adjust) is an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continual improvement of processes and products. |
RACI Matrix |
RACI is an acronym derived from the four key responsibilities most typically used: Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. It describes the participation by various roles in completing tasks or deliverables for a project or business process. |
Three lines of defence |
The Three Lines of Defence Model (3LoD) is designed to assure the effective and transparent management of risk by making accountabilities clear. |
Greiner’s Growth Curve |
Greiner's Growth Curve is a model helps to identify, anticipate and understand the root cause of problems for a fast-growing business. |